Humans having a different anatomy are a lot different than animals in terms of diet, structure and health care. When they can’t speak, it is up to their “hooman” to understand them in between all those barks and meows. Apart from food, healthcare products also matter a lot when it comes to buying for the pets. Dog shampoo is one such item that requires proper attention.
The shampoo and soaps that we humans use is not applicable on dogs. While making them a member of our family, guidance from a veterinary doctor is a must through which we can understand their metabolism and factors that need to be taken care of to keep healthy. There are various types of dog shampoo available in the market. But the categorization should be done based on breed.
Varieties of shampoo that can be applied to the varied kind of dogs:
- Ones with curls on their coat- Dogs like poodles may develop tangles in their fur throughout the routine activities. For them, soothing shampoo with conditioner would be best.
- Ones with short coat- When dogs are born with short fur they might experience dandruff, so medicated shampoo would be appropriate. But on the other hand, the ones with long coat require more attention whilst bathing, so, in order to avoid the smell of sweat, deodorizing shampoo is recommended.
- Ones with long coat- But on the other hand, the ones with long coat require more attention whilst bathing, so, in order to avoid the smell of sweat, deodorizing shampoo is recommended.